the material should have bleeds of 3 mm on each side ,
all raster elements and effects should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi,
essential elements of the advertisement (texts, logos) should be at least 5 mm away from the cut line (advertisement dimension without bleeds) to the inside of the page.
Ad dimensions (height x width mm):
full page ´ 270 x 210
1/3 vertical ´ 270 x 78.5
1/6 vertical ´ 132 x 78.5
1/6 level ´ 45 x 210
1/3 level ´ 85 x 210
1/2 level ´ 130 x 210
1/4 page ´ 130 x 102
To the given dimensions, add 3 mm bleed on each side!!!